Decrypt Ed Wii Games
Here is a progress on nintendo 3DS..guy named Crediar released a 3DSaveTool 0.1 for 3DS players.Players can use it to detect the xor key and encrypt/decrypt EEPROM savefiles from 3ds games.
It's been confirmed by now that 3DS games save inside the cartridge just like DS/DSi games, and that the saves are encrypted. Fortunately the encryption scheme seems simple, as crediar has not only found out how it works, but created a tool that will attempt to both find the key used (which differs per game), and use it to decrypt or re-encrypt a save file.
This means that users with tools such as the NDS Backup Adapter+ can now fiddle with the save games of their 3DS systems, though restoring a modified save seems iffy at the moment.
And also some related tweets
->@0xabad1dea The EEPROM of 3DS cards is encrypted via an unique per game 512byte xor'key, game roms seem(!) to use that aswell not sure yet!! vor ungefähr 3 Stunden via web als Antwort auf 0xabad1dea
->just released 3DSaveTool you can use it to find the xor key and encrypt/decrypt EEPROM savefiles from 3ds games! 3DSaveTool - 3dbrew vor ungefähr 4 Stunden via web
->Ooops looks like the same fail applies to games! Private Paste - Pastie (No April's Fool!) 2:35 AM Apr 1st via web
->That savefile is from the EEPROM which can freely be written and read! Yes 3DS card games still save to the card! 1:50 AM Apr 1st via web
->Good news everyone! Erant found a slight flaw in the savefile encryption of Ridge Racer! Line 405 is my nick Private Paste - Pastie 6:58 AM Mar 31st via web
Download : 3DSaveTool 0.1
source: twitter
2.1.1 Encrypted; 2.1.2 Decrypted. No Wii game uses streaming. 0x020, 64, Game title, though most docs claim it to be 0x400 the Wii only.
Here is just a simple program that uses the (
The usage should be pretty self explaining.
STILL EXPERIMENTAL. Bugs may occur, please report them!
- Compressing .wud and splitted wud files into .wux
- Decompressing a .wux back to .wud
- Extracting titles from the GI or GM partition
- Extracting .app/-h3/.tmd/.cert/.tik files from a .wud/.wux or splitted .wud
- Extracting just the contents/hashes/ticket.
- Decrypting the full partitions from a .wud/.wux or splitted .wud
- Decrypting specific files any partition from a .wud/.wux or splitted .wud
- Verify a image / Compare two images (for example a .wud with .wux to make sure its legit)
- Copy the common.key into the folder next to the .jar or provide the key via the command line
- Copy the game.key into the folder next to the wud image or provide the key via the command line
Getting .app files from an Wii U Image:
Extract .app etc. from a WUD:
Get .app files from 'game.wud' to the folder 'extracted' with game.key in the same folder
Extract .app etc. from a WUX (compressed WUD):
Get .app files from 'game.wux' to the folder 'extracted' with game.key in the same folder
Extract .app etc. from a splitted WUD (dump with wudump):
Get .app files from 'game_part1.wud' to the folder 'extracted' with game.key in the same folder
Lohman Grey Fox and Rodent Predator CD Model DS-3 Digitally Recorded & Mastered Sounds. Includes the following three tracks: Grey Fox Pup Distress (20 minutes), Rodent Distress (20 minutes) and Rodent Distress Coaxer (20 minutes) for a total of 60 minutes. Grey fox distress download firefox.
Compressing into .wux examples:
Compress a .wud to .wux:[/B]
Compress a 'game.wud' to 'game.wux'
Compress a splitted game_part1.wud to .wux:
Compress a 'game_part1.wud' from a wudump dump to 'game.wux'
Decryption game files examples:
Decrypt a WUD image to game files
Input can be a .wud, game_part1.wud or a .wux. This decrypted the full game partition.Given a game.key and common.key in the same folder.
Decrypt a single file from an WUD
Input can be a .wud, game_part1.wud or a .wux. This decrypted the full game partition.Given a game.key and common.key in the same folder.
Extracting the code/app.xml file.
Extracting all .bfstm files.
Extracting the folder /content/Sound
mvn clean package
Thanks to:
Crediar for CDecrypt (
All people who have contributed to vgmtoolbox (
Exzap for the .wux file format (
FIX94 for wudump (
The creators of lombok for lombok