Gaming Ladder Script Php

  среда 25 марта

# Features: Fully automated ladder ranking system.# Teams/Players ranked using complex ranking algorithm for more accurate ranking.# Installed easily in minutes.# Fully customizable design.# Suitable for all game types especially action games, card and board games and strategy games.# Built in theme system allowing you to switch between different layouts and designs in seconds.# Design your own themes easily, if desired.# Alternatively, integrate the ladder code into your web site design. Html knowledge required.# Create unlimited ladders for team play or 1v1 play. Users need only sign up once.# Advanced Admin system with separate admin accounts for each admin.# Multiple admin access levels. Assign varying access rights to different admin accounts.# Admins can report matches and edit challenges.# Higher level admins can ban ips, edit/create ladders and edit/create admin accounts.# Fully automated and highly advanced challenge feature.# Each ladder can be set by you to be challenge-only, open-play only or both together.# Rank, last rank, wins, losses, games played, streak, win% etc.

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Gaming Ladders and Tournaments for Scrims and Ranked Play, a brand new website featuring many Competitions in various Games. Game Ladder Codes and Scripts Downloads Free. The PHP Game ladder is a system where have rung games and they can report the results of games. My Gaming Ladder is a multi-platform compatible easy to install and customizable script, My Gaming Ladder allows you to have a professional sports admin tool for lesser cost.